Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Science Fair Reflection

We learn by doing, if we reflect on what we have done.
–John Dewey

In a comment on this blog post: Respond to 1 question from each of the 4 categories of Reflection Questions: Resilience, Pride, Reflection on Learning, and Goal Setting.

A. Resilience
What did you learn from your mistakes?
What risks did you take?
What got in the way of your learning?
What problems did you encounter while you were working on this piece? How did you solve them?
What did/do you find frustrating about it?

B. Pride
How does this work reflect your success?
What helped your learning?
What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?
What part of the project did you do your best work on?
If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about this piece? What grade would you give it? Why?
What the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work?
What do your classmates particularly notice about your piece when they look at it?
What were your standards for this piece of work? Did you meet your standards?
How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why?

C. Reflection on Learning
If on in a group of 2: How did you participate as a team player? How did you partner participate?
Did you enjoy this? Why/why not?
What process did you go through to produce this piece?
What resources did you use while working on this piece? Which ones were especially helpful? Which ones would you use again?
What did you learn about yourself as you worked on this piece?
Have you changed any ideas you used to have on this subject?
Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?
What's the one thing that you have seen in your classmates' work or process that you would like to try in your next piece?
What is the most important thing you learned in this project?
What did you learn?
How do you know you learned it?

D. Goal Setting
What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently?
How could I change the project to make it better next time?
What skills do you feel you have improved on during the course of the year?
What skills/strategies do you hope to continue to practice next school year?
How might you want to extend this research?
In what ways have you gotten better at this kind of work?
In what ways do you think you need to improve?
What were your goals for meeting this piece of work? Did your goals change as you worked on it? Did you meet your goals?
What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for next time?
What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
What will you change in the next revision of this piece? 


  1. The most frustrating thing about my science fair project was no doubt at the end setting up the poster because I like to have all my stuff layed out and done before it is due, I just felt rushed. When other people seen my project they were really interested to learn about my experiment, they wanted to know more about my results in the future when I collect more data they even said they would check back in with me. My project was different then my classmates because a lot of them had like "cook book" projects but mine was more like a classic science fair project. Additionally for MOST in my revision I will collect more data and add more pictures and add more creativity so I stand out.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i wish i would've had more time on creating my poster to make look more better.My goal next time is to have cofidence in my self about what im doing , i did not know that people were going to like . i think my project can make a change in our socity or the nation we live in .

  4. What risks did you take? If the project was going to be interesting or not.
    What helped your learning? Research and actually doing the experiment.
    Have you changed any ideas you used to have on this subject? i thought this would be boring to me but it ended up being way more interesting.
    What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently? The poster i wish we had more time to make it more presentable and interesting.

  5. What i learned from my mistakes is not to rush on my project. i was really happy about finishing knowing that we did a great job. i learned that you don't have to b e afraid about your project as long as you know what we are doing. my goal for the next project is to take my time and pace myself

  6. I learned to passe myself. I did my best in presenting and preparing everything with my partner.I enjoyed my project because it gave me a better over view on whats happening everyday in our environment what we are doing to the environment. I would probably try and see what level of bleach it could survive at.

  7. i learned that you have to be on point with your units and things right.when people was looking at my work i wanted them to see that it was different and no one had it.something i learn about my myself was that i am a great person to work with.i want to see if my project can get bigger and better.

  8. While working on this project me and my partner had to do it three times because something went wrong and we didnt get the expected results. I feel happy about how our project came out I think almost everything went as planned. The most important thing i learned in this project is that if something in an experiment doesnt go right you should go back into your data and see something that you may have over looked before and that you should never just give up. Ive gotten better at this because i know that you may have to add more borax and its not always gonna go right and to not worry.

  9. what did you learn from your mistakes? what i learn from my mistakes was to never give up and keep trying. how does this work reflect your success? this work reflect help me because it teachers me how to do stuff. Did you enjoy this? yes i enjoyed this this was a very good project to do. what do you wish you had spent more time on? doing more harder research.

  10. I learned that the way you do your work people can noticed and they you have to try your best and be confident in you work. also that lead can effect your water and poilution and sea monkeys are not good...

  11. the problems i came across were typing up everything and using my time wisely. the part we worked best on was the project its self the thing i learned about myself was i work good with other people

  12. One thing I found frustrating about this project is limited time. One thing that helped me was Wikipedia. I enjoyed this process because my partner and I equally split the work and our communication was very good. We will do more trials and investigate more into the leading questions
